Essential Oils

Disclaimer- I do not sell essential oils, nor do I have a representative I buy them from.  I currently buy my essential oils at a local health foods store, Sprouts.  I am writing this post for accountability and to hopefully learn from y'all about new ways to use essential oils.

A few months ago after hearing a lot of talk about essential oils, both around town and on social media, I finally decided to give them a shot.  I started small- sweet orange, peppermint, and lavender.  About three months ago I added tea tree oil to that list.  Recently I haven't been too good about using the sweet orange or peppermint oils, and I'm hoping this post helps hold me accountable for using them regularly again!

I am currently using tea tree oil and lavender.  I use tea tree oil twice a day on blemishes on my face.  (When we had lice at the school where I work last year I added tea tree oil to a leave-in conditioner and sprayed it in my hair every morning before going to work.  I never got lice!  And if you know me personally, you know I am so freaked out by lice so that was a major win!)  I use lavender oil before I do my nightly yoga before going to bed.  I apply it to my temples, the back of my neck, my wrists, and the bottoms of my feet.  I love how I have been sleeping since adding yoga and lavender oil to my bedtime routine!

When I first started using essential oils I was using sweet orange oil and peppermint oil in addition to lavender.  I would use sweet orange oil for an energy boost before my morning workout, before going to work, and at the end of my lunch break.  I applied it to my temples, the back of my neck, and my wrists.  I would use peppermint oil when I had headaches (I applied it across my forehead) or to clear my sinuses (I applied it right under my nose).  If I was feeling really tired I would use peppermint oil right under my nose to wake me up!  I honestly don't know why I have been so bad about using these two oils recently, but I am making a conscience effort to get back into using them both!

What essential oils do you use and for what purpose(s)?  I'd love to know!



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