Parent-Teacher Conferences

If they haven’t started already they’ll be starting soon- Parent-Teacher Conferences. I started hosting Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday and they’re off to a great start!

As cliche as this sounds I love the sandwich approach to conferences- share something good, something that needs improvement, and end with something good. I think as teachers it is so important that we let parents know we see their whole child- the glows and the grows as we call them as our school.

Another thing I love to have for conferences is hand outs for the parents to take home. We as teachers know the different behaviors we should see from our learners at different levels and we have a tool box full of resources to help our students, but parents might not have that knowledge or a tool box full of tools. Hand outs are a quick, easy way for me give parents lots of information and tools to add to their tool belt! It saves time too because parents can take home the information, take plenty of time to read and process it, and get back to me if they have any questions.

My favorite handouts include:
- a quick summary sheet of student strengths, areas for improvement, and goals {I wish I had a link to the sheet that I use, but it was shared with me by another teacher so I don’t have the link.  I’m sure there are some free options on Teachers Pay Teachers, but it would also be pretty easy to create a sheet like this for yourself.}
- summary of reading behaviors parents should expect to see at their child’s reading level and ways they can support their child as a reader

If students are reading I give parents a sight word list or two (That decision is made per student based on their reading level).  If a student is not read I give parents a copy of our alphabet linking chart.  This gives the parent the exact same tool to use as home that we use as school each day.  Consistency is key!

If you’re done with Parent-Teacher Conferences treat yourself!  You deserve it!  If you’re in the middle of Parent-Teacher Conferences know I’m right there with you and we’ve got this!  If you have Parent-Teacher Conferences coming up I hope you found my tips and resources helpful.  You’re going to rock it!

I’d love if you take a minute to leave your best Parent-Teacher Conference tip in the comments below or on my most recent Instagram post!


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