Teacher Thursday Blog Series
Back in July I started a weekly Thursday series on Instagram called Teacher Thursday. Teacher Thursday been a fun way to share my favorite teacher tips, tricks, hacks, and products, as well as feature some amazing teachers and their resources on my feed. My favorite part of my Teacher Thursday posts has been connecting with other teachers and sharing ideas!
Recently as I’ve been drafting out captions for my Teacher Thursday posts I’ve found myself thinking ‘This is such a long caption, but I have so much to say so I guess it’s just gonna have to be that way!’. Yesterday on our Saturday morning walk it hit me like a ton of bricks- I can move my Teacher Thursday posts to my blog!
I’ve been wanting to blog more consistently for a long while now and this is the perfect way for me to do so. I’m so excited to launch this series and for my first official Teacher Thursday blog post this coming Thursday! In the meantime I’d love to share with you some of my favorite previous Teacher Thursday Instagram posts and share an update too!
Recently as I’ve been drafting out captions for my Teacher Thursday posts I’ve found myself thinking ‘This is such a long caption, but I have so much to say so I guess it’s just gonna have to be that way!’. Yesterday on our Saturday morning walk it hit me like a ton of bricks- I can move my Teacher Thursday posts to my blog!
I’ve been wanting to blog more consistently for a long while now and this is the perfect way for me to do so. I’m so excited to launch this series and for my first official Teacher Thursday blog post this coming Thursday! In the meantime I’d love to share with you some of my favorite previous Teacher Thursday Instagram posts and share an update too!

Crayon Boxes
My very first Teacher Thursday post was these lock top snack containers from The Dollar Tree. I purchased one for each student to hold their crayons. I’d seen so many teachers at my school and so many teachers on Instagram use these containers for crayons and I thought it was finally time to give them a try!
Student having their own set of crayons has made my life so much easier! Sure, kids are still losing crayons, but it’s on them now! It’s teaching them responsibility and problem solving skills.
My one complaint about these containers is the Sharpie I used to write each student’s name on their box started to rub off pretty quickly. I think using Avery Labels to label these containers would have worked just as well and lasted longer.
All About Me Bags
I loved sharing All About Me Bags because it allowed me to share a great freebie from a Teachers Pay Teacher author and it allowed me to shout out a company for donating to my classroom!
b or d Reversal Chart
Of course I had to share one of my all time favorite anchor charts I have in my classroom! I always love hearing the kids belly laughs when I share it!
And of course I had to share my new found love of ALDI for all things food related and some great seasonal finds too!
What a fun little trip down Teacher Thursday Memory Lane! I hope that you’ll join me here every Thursday for more teacher tips, tricks, hacks, and products! See you soon!
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