Kicking Off 2020- National Letter Writing Week Celebration

January 5-11 is National Letter Writing Week. Handwritten letters are such a lost art, but they are so meaningful.

Last year all the members of the staff at my school did a book study of Kids Deserve It. Chapter 7 really made an impression on me, so much so that I still think about it today. Chapter 7, entitled Do the Little Things, talks about the importance of doing the little things and how the little things have the potential to be big things.  To celebrate this chapter I wrote each of my teammates a handwritten note telling them something I admired about them and what they brought to their classroom, our grade level team, and/or the school.  These notes were read at a staff meeting and seeing the smiles on everyones’ faces was wonderful. In that moment, and many moments after, my teammates felt unique, valued, and respected.

Between today and tomorrow {I promise it doesn’t take long at all!} I challenge you to write a handwritten note to a teacher at your school sharing something you admire about them and what they bring to their classroom, your team, or your school.  What a wonderful way for us to help others start a new year {and a new decade} feeling valued and respected!

When teachers feel good their students feel good, meaning your note will help to create a ripple of positivity throughout your school and school community.  That’s a powerful thing, all because of a little thing- a hand written note.

Happy teachers means happy classrooms and I know we all agree that kids deserve that!


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