Teacher Thursday- Taking a Break
Back in October I started a weekly blog series- Teacher Thursday. I was really enjoying it in the beginning, but recently I’ve been struggling to feel inspired to write.
This year of teaching has pushed me in ways I haven’t been pushed before, both in my classroom and with some of my teammates. I’ve seen incredible growth in my students, learned so much already, and have become not only a better teacher, but a better person because of the situations I have been put into this school year.
Protecting my students is the most important thing I do as a teacher, therefore I am not going to share the details of their stories here. They have some incredible stories and I’m so proud of each and every one of them. I’d love to share even just some of the successes we’ve had this year and one day I will, but not today.
There have been ongoing challenges with some of my teammates and because they are ongoing and not resolved I’m not ready to talk about those here either.
When I started my blog almost two years ago I promised myself I wouldn’t allow it to feel like a chore. I promised myself I would share what was on my heart, things I felt passionate and strongly about, things I was loving and having fun doing. When it comes to teaching I’m not ready to share what is on my heart, what I’m feeling passionate and strongly about, so I’ve decided to take a break from Teacher Thursday.
Thank you for showing up here every Thursday. Thank you for your likes, comments, and story replies on Instagram. I love connecting and talking with y’all! I’ll still be blogging and I’ll defiantly still be on Instagram! Looking forward to staying in touch!
This year of teaching has pushed me in ways I haven’t been pushed before, both in my classroom and with some of my teammates. I’ve seen incredible growth in my students, learned so much already, and have become not only a better teacher, but a better person because of the situations I have been put into this school year.
Protecting my students is the most important thing I do as a teacher, therefore I am not going to share the details of their stories here. They have some incredible stories and I’m so proud of each and every one of them. I’d love to share even just some of the successes we’ve had this year and one day I will, but not today.
There have been ongoing challenges with some of my teammates and because they are ongoing and not resolved I’m not ready to talk about those here either.
When I started my blog almost two years ago I promised myself I wouldn’t allow it to feel like a chore. I promised myself I would share what was on my heart, things I felt passionate and strongly about, things I was loving and having fun doing. When it comes to teaching I’m not ready to share what is on my heart, what I’m feeling passionate and strongly about, so I’ve decided to take a break from Teacher Thursday.
Thank you for showing up here every Thursday. Thank you for your likes, comments, and story replies on Instagram. I love connecting and talking with y’all! I’ll still be blogging and I’ll defiantly still be on Instagram! Looking forward to staying in touch!
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